Free Speech should have limitation? by Rana Muddasar Rajput

    Free Speech is a constitutional right of a citizen of a country under or as cited by her constitution, Basically, the idea behind free speech was to give people power and freedom to express their ideas, views, notions, opinions and convictions. Free speech if not utilized properly gives adverse and hostile effects as seen in Charlie Hebdo issue or Salman Rushidee Satanic Verses blunder. as said potter Stewart, " Ethics is knowing difference between What you have a right to do and what is right to do" 
         Article 19 of constitution of Pakistan 1973 defines Free Speech as,
  " Every citizen shall have right to freedom of speech and expression, and there shall be freedom of press, subject to any reasonable restrictions imposed by law in the interest of glory of Islam or integrity, security or defense of Pakistan or any part thereof, friendly relation with foreign states, public order, decency or mortality, or in relation to contempt of court ( commission of) or incitement to an offence 
       Pakistan has restricted free speech on certain limitation, whereas, west propagates free speech not to be limited, there are always optimists and pessimists in any society. they both contribute to our society. the optimist invent the Airplane and the pessimist the Parachute.
       American constitution framework Amendment I avert congress form making no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof  or abridging the freedom of speech or the press, or the right of people and further says Article V of US constitution that Freedom of speech and debate in congress or thereof shall not be questioned in any court. American constitution backs the people in America and World on free speech. Freedom of expression and rights of people, whereas, it do respect the emotions of religions, sects and races. it condemns hate speech and racism.
           Charlie Hebdo Jan 7 Paris attack sparked a world forum upside down on free speech issue and its limitation. The effect were mainly seen as clash of civilizations with Muslim over the globe protesting against the issue and west backing Charlie Hebdo up. subject to attention was that French Law was amended to give groups stronger protection against racist speech. An Amendment in July 1972 to the law of press of 1881 which prohibits incitement to discrimination, hatred, violence with regard to any person or group on account of race, nationality or religion. 
            There is no absolute right to free speech in France or in any other democracy. Attack in prophet were intended to humiliate Muslims and violate the law but i would insist violence is no answer to it dialogue alone in 

written by : Rana Muddasar 

 US constitution app
 Pakistan constitution app 


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