What Makes A Leader? by Nabeel Niaz
“Every organisational unit is a direct reflection of the leadership it’s been given, whether good or bad.”
For more than 50 years the name Peter Drucker has been synonymous with management and leadership issues. Drucker, an author, professor and consultant, has long been recognized as the father of modern management. Forbes has called him “the most perceptive observer of the American scene since Alexis de Tocqueville.”What Makes A Leader?
Thankfully for most of us, Drucker has observed that there is no such thing as a “leadership personality,” as leaders come in all flavours, styles and temperaments. This is because it’s what a leader knows, does and is that spells effectiveness.In an interview with Bob Buford of Leadership Network, Drucker made the following observations on leadership:
1. The mission comes first. And the mission of all non-profits, including churches, is changed lives!
2. The function of management (in a church) is to make the church more church-like, not to make the church more business-like.
3. Management is a social function and has mostly to do with people, not things and procedures.
4. An organisation begins to die the day it begins to be run for the benefit of the outsiders.
5. Know the value of planned abandonment. Decide what not to do. Drucker says, “Nothing is less productive than to make more efficient what should not be done at all.”
6. Know the value of foresight. You can’t predict the future but you must assess the future aspect of present events.
7. Focus on opportunities, not problems. Most organizations assign their best resources to problems, not opportunities.
8. People decisions are the ultimate control mechanism of an organisation. This is where people look to find out what real values you hold.
9. All work is work for a team. No individual has the skills or ability to do every job. The purpose of a team is to make strengths productive and weaknesses irrelevant.
10. The three most important questions are “What is our business?” “Who is the customer?” and “What does the customer value?”
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